Thursday, June 25, 2009

Telkomsel launched Hosted Push Mail Exchange

Telkomsel as a pioneer in Indonesia mobile telecommunication, recently launched new product for their corporate customers. The product was called Hosted Push Mail Exchange is an innovation in push mail service. Through Hosted Push Mail Exchange, customers, in this case, corporate customers did not need to provide exchange server to have mail service in their office. They only need to register to Hosted Push Mail Exchange Service then mail service can be accessed directly through their handset. It is very simple. To implement Hosted Push Mail Exchange Service, Telkomsel hand in hand with Microsoft as a partner to provide exchange server and all mail service related indeed
Hosted Push Mail Exchange Service is based on Microsoft Exchange technology that was claimed having high security with consist of many feature e.g. encryption, data protection, back up service and anti spam.
One of most attractive feature that available in Hosted Push Mail Exchange Service is a Anywhere Access feature. Through Anywhere Access feature, customer will be able to access the mail service from anywhere and with many kind of devices such a Microsoft outlook from office, web browser or mobile handset with direct push facility. There will be no significant different in the viewing in both laptop or through mobile handset
Telkomsel is continuing to provide high technology service in mobile telecommunication to their customers by deploying new service to spoil them. Hosted Push Mail Exchange Service is the latest product to add the earlier products e.g. HALOventus, Blackberry and Microsoft Direct Push
There are a lot of advantages for cooperate customers once they used Hosted Push Mail Exchange Service. Corporate customer will save the investment since they do not need to build exchange server. Corporate customer also will get mail domain referring to their corporate name (name@corporate .com). Despite of mail function, corporate customer able to synchronize, look up and accessing corporate date e.g. calendar, contact and task over the air through mobile device anywhere and anytime.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Internet Access Through CDMA 1x

Even CDMA 1xRtt service is offering low speed, about 153 Kbps for downlink bandwidth, compare to 3G service, about 2.7 Mbps for downlink bandwidth, but this market can be underestimated and then leave the customers to get this services. The reason is there some obstacle to produced massive 3G handsets due to high cost for the Indonesian market. Moreover, it will need high investment to deploy 3G network massively due to there are so many new equipment should be installed in the GSM network to get wide area services. In addition, the minimum educational to customers that should be done by telecommunication operators which provide this service was made a common mistake that the 3G service is equal only to the video conference. As the result, 3G services are growing to slow compare to the investment should be prepared by operators to have this service.

Internet service by optimizing network existing is the alternative choice to meet customers requirement regarding the internet services. As mention previously, commonly, existing network infrastructures was deployed in Indonesia are focused to voice services which are based on GSM and CDMA network. This existing network actually useful for internet market to meet customers’ requirement due to right now internet service is costly and have small market in the personal or SOHO class. Cost of internet bandwidth is the main problem in Indonesia, internet lease line that should be provided by internet provider is very expensive. This is the reason by optimizing existing network to provide internet services is the right choice in Indonesia market right now

1xRtt vs GPRS

Even GSM network has been built early and CDMA network, but internet services provided by both network platforms has growth with different pattern. 1xRtt CDMA network has been introduced massively by some Indonesian’ CDMA operator such as PT. Bakrie Telecom and Mobile 8 compared to GSM operator in the same services. Generally, GSM operators focused to build voice market and internet services through the GPRS networks are as additional service. It is different with CDMA operators, through PDSN network they are trying to increase their customers in services, voice and internet services, even in some condition, internet services should place in the second option due to high occupancy in the RF network

Who is handling the service in both networks?

GSM network should deploy additional infrastructure to have this services in their network. They are SGSN, GGSN, AAA and others complementary devices (e.g. router, catalyst, proxy server), meanwhile in the CDMA network, they need to install PDSN, AAA and others complementary devices (e.g. router, catalyst, proxy server)
1. PDSN and SGSN are device that processing the PPP session from users, route the session to proper destination, giving IP Pool, dividing domain and connecting to each BSC through PCF address
2. GGSN is providing internet connection from SGSN to internet link
3. AAA is processing authentication, authorization and accounting. Billing processes are occurring here. For some comprehensive network, they provide separate billing system instead of AAA
4. Others complementary devices such as, router, catalyst, proxy server are additional devices to process the routing to the network, proxy server etc

The products that have been produced massively by PT Bakrie Telecom to the market are WIMODE and WIFONE. WIMODE is modem devices to access internet services in the 1xRtt network. It means the customer should attach the modems to PC or laptop to make PPP session then connect to internet service. Meanwhile WIFONE is terminal that has a modem feature so user can connect to the PC or Laptop to access internet service. Both products are the pioneer of internet service that has been produces massively to the market. More than a hundred thousand both product has been in the market and received well response from customers
It is a challenge for telecommunication operators to provide internet service through their networks. And the important thing is providing internet service with low cost for Indonesian market.

How about their speed?

1xRtt network have downlink bandwidth capacity around 153 Kbps, this much bandwidth are share to any subscribers who want to access internet service at the same time. The occupancy of the RF channel is another factor that contributed the access speed. The more users access the network to access voice and data that is means huge users occupied the RF channel than the more slow speed they will receive. The optimization can be done to guarantee the fastest speed is allocating the IMSI to have highest Quality of PI in the HLR. But this maximum speed will happen if only if the channel frequency is occupied by fewer users or many of them are idle. Both WIMODE and WIFONE are configured to have such highest QoSPI

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Internet service of the CDMA 1xRtt networks

Even CDMA 1xRtt service is offering low speed, about 153 Kbps for downlink bandwidth, compare to 3G service, about 2.7 Mbps for downlink bandwidth, but this market can be underestimated and then leave the customers to get this services. The reason is there some obstacle to produced massive 3G handsets due to high cost for the Indonesian market. Moreover, it will need high investment to deploy 3G network massively due to there are so many new equipment should be installed in the GSM network to get wide area services. In addition, the minimum educational to customers that should be done by telecommunication operators which provide this service was made a common mistake that the 3G service is equal only to the video conference. As the result, 3G services are growing to slow compare to the investment should be prepared by operators to have this service.
Internet service by optimizing network existing is the alternative choice to meet customers requirement regarding the internet services. As mention previously, commonly, existing network infrastructures was deployed in Indonesia are focused to voice services which are based on GSM and CDMA network. This existing network actually useful for internet market to meet customers’ requirement due to right now internet service is costly and have small market in the personal or SOHO class. Cost of internet bandwidth is the main problem in Indonesia, internet lease line that should be provided by internet provider is very expensive. This is the reason by optimizing existing network to provide internet services is the right choice in Indonesia market right now

1xRtt vs GPRS
Even GSM network has been built early and CDMA network, but internet services provided by both network platforms has growth with different pattern. 1xRtt CDMA network has been introduced massively by some Indonesian’ CDMA operator such as PT. Bakrie Telecom and Mobile 8 compared to GSM operator in the same services. Generally, GSM operators focused to build voice market and internet services through the GPRS networks are as additional service. It is different with CDMA operators, through PDSN network they are trying to increase their customers in services, voice and internet services, even in some condition, internet services should place in the second option due to high occupancy in the RF network

Who is handling the service in both networks?
GSM network should deploy additional infrastructure to have this services in their network. They are SGSN, GGSN, AAA and others complementary devices (e.g. router, catalyst, proxy server), meanwhile in the CDMA network, they need to install PDSN, AAA and others complementary devices (e.g. router, catalyst, proxy server)
1. PDSN and SGSN are device that processing the PPP session from users, route the session to proper destination, giving IP Pool, dividing domain and connecting to each BSC through PCF address
2. GGSN is providing internet connection from SGSN to internet link
3. AAA is processing authentication, authorization and accounting. Billing processes are occurring here. For some comprehensive network, they provide separate billing system instead of AAA
4. Others complementary devices such as, router, catalyst, proxy server are additional devices to process the routing to the network, proxy server etc

The products that have been produced massively by PT Bakrie Telecom to the market are WIMODE and WIFONE. WIMODE is modem devices to access internet services in the 1xRtt network. It means the customer should attach the modems to PC or laptop to make PPP session then connect to internet service. Meanwhile WIFONE is terminal that has a modem feature so user can connect to the PC or Laptop to access internet service. Both products are the pioneer of internet service that has been produces massively to the market. More than a hundred thousand both product has been in the market and received well response from customers
It is a challenge for telecommunication operators to provide internet service through their networks. And the important thing is providing internet service with low cost for Indonesian market.

How about their speed?
1xRtt network have downlink bandwidth capacity around 153 Kbps, this much bandwidth are share to any subscribers who want to access internet service at the same time. The occupancy of the RF channel is another factor that contributed the access speed. The more users access the network to access voice and data that is means huge users occupied the RF channel than the more slow speed they will receive. The optimization can be done to guarantee the fastest speed is allocating the IMSI to have highest Quality of PI in the HLR. But this maximum speed will happen if only if the channel frequency is occupied by fewer users or many of them are idle. Both WIMODE and WIFONE are configured to have such highest QoSPI

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Offerring variety of services to customers

Many services can be offered to the customers in the CDMA 2000 1x networks. Most of them are optimizing network existing with some additional devices in the application layer to handle those services. Sometimes by optimizing network existing, this service will disrupt others services has been established. Lack of RF capacity is a common issue once internet service through CDMA 2000 1x introduced to subscribers. It is because mostly mobile telecommunication operators have limited band frequency (license issue)
There some new services can be deploy in the CDMA 1xRtt network, they are:

1.CDMA 1xRtt service

This is internet service using same RF channel in the BTS. Subscribers will allow to access internet service by making Point to Point (PPP) session from the subscriber device to close BTS then to BSC. This BSC will connect to PDSN that will provide internet connection to subscribers
Some of these products have been introduced to the market by PT Bakrie Telecom as one of CDMA operator in Indonesia. Commonly, CDMA operator is not focusing in this service due to many reasons. PT Bakrie Telecom has provided the dedicated products to serve this service. Some of them are;

This is terminals that support a modem device to attach to PC or laptop though serial interface to make PPP calls then connect to internet. Calling and SMS function are available as a main feature in this terminal

This is are modem device to make PPP session call by attaching directly to the PC or Laptop then access to internet

2.WAP service
WAP is the protocol to provide internet service or value added service such a download contain through the high end handset that support java application. Subscriber can access both services directly through the handset without any additional device. This is client server platform. Handsets are the client meanwhile server should be provided by operators in their network as a proxy gateway to access to internet or to others application service such a download contain

3.Value added services
This is service based on additional technology embedded to the handsets to get some service such a download contain. One of application technology to provide this service is BREW platform. This technology have been embedded to get value added service such a download containt
There are some these products have been in the market such a ESIA HIDAYAH, ESIA KASIH, ESIA SLANK and ESIA FU. They all was offered by PT Bakrie Telecom with many feature are available in these handsets

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Increasing customers growth by offering bundling handsets

Many telecommunications operators in Indonesia that was built later will face same problem to introduce their product to customers and get their good response. The thing that it is make sense is right now there so many operators here for mobile and fixed license, they are around tens operators. In addition, their customers are located at some big city like Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Medan. .
This is why new operator should have another strategic so they can sale their services and get response from customers. Moreover by this new strategic they will get loyal customers even there will come new offing from their competitor
Traditional strategic and it has been implemented by some operators that was built former that is developing strong networks in every single sides. These operators continuously increase their infrastructure network at new areas that there no telecommunication service are available and continuously to optimize them. The more coverage they have, the more customers they will get. These methods are very costly and the same strategic can not be adopted by new operators. It is need more than 5 years to get what we called Break Even Point (BEP) and new operators can not do it. New operators have to consider some alternatives instead of developing massive infrastructures network. Formerly, (around 1996-1997) there are only 2-3 mobiles and one fixed operators, it can be accepted to investment high budget to develop networks infrastructure and will get benefit after for 5 years. In addition, mobile telecommunications is new technology at that time and will get positive response from customers
But the same strategic can not be implemented to the new operators since right now tariff is so cheap compared to the previous. Commonly, all operators compete to get as many as customer by offering low tariff for voice and SMS
Alternative methods have been introduced by new operator and widely promotion is become first priority to these operators.

What is the new strategic?
Offering bundling handset is a new trend used by new operator to offering their services. And obviously this is low price handset with minimum features available inside, but this is enough for basic telecommunications needed by customers, e.g. making voice call and messaging, monotone ring tone and color body for attractive performances. In this strategic, operators work together with handset vendor then bundled the handsets to have only work with specific requirement. In other words, handset will have no functions we put another number (DN) inside it. The specific requirements can be:
1. have only specific band frequency
2. Authenticate with specific
Both of requirements are inserting during fabrication process to the handsets

Many kind of banding handsets has been introduced by new and old operators due to this method is effective and proved have good response from customers. PT Bakrie Telecom as a new fixed wireless operator with its brand market ESIA has offered many kind of this product since 1 year ago. Even ESIA is not the pioneer for this strategic but it seems market response very well.

There are some reasons why it is occurring:

1. It is fixed wireless handset which has low tariff and
2. New introduction for fixed wireless license
3. Handsets have low price
4. Attractive services offered, e.g. free call and SMS to same operator numbers

In this market strategic, operators are not following previous campaign as introduced by old operator that is the more coverage the more customers. Now they believe that the more innovative the more benefits. This is reasonable since mobile and fixed wireless customers are spreading at some big cities. Winning the competition can be done by many ideas instead of adding more coverage, and the banding handsets are the brilliant idea to win this competition. Operators can save much money by this methods and can be allocated to create more brilliant idea instead of network infrastructures development

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Gadget for moslem people

New idea has been introduced by Bakrie Telecom to sale the mobile telecommunication products. Tariff is still holding important role but innovative products is new alternative to reduce the cost of deployment network infrastructures. One of the new ideas is providing the products based on what the customers religion. Since almost 90% Indonesian people is Moslem then providing what they need in the mobile telecommunication services is expected will receive more benefits to the company. To the Indonesia Moslem, Bakrie Telecom has been introducing ESIA Hidayah gadgets that have many comfortable feature for Moslem people. Still working together with Huawei as a gadget vendor, Moslem people will have more benefits since there are Islamic applications available indeed. This is not only offering low tariff during make a call, by this gadget, Moslem people will always feel close to their God. How come this is occurring?There are many services and feature available in this gadget, they are;1. Free call and SMS between Bakrie Telecom numbers (On net) as a basic feature2. Application services embedded indeed. it is called BREW applicationApplication service available indeed is the main products offered by Bakrie Telecom to the Indonesian Moslem people. By this gadget, Moslem people able to read Holly Quran anytime and anywhere though the gadget. And With the same gadget, Moslem people will be reminded once praying time is arriving by Azan sound. Another service available in the gadget inside the gadget is Moslem people able to buy anything related to the Islamic symbols e.g., Islamic wallpaper, Islamic ring tone etc. All contains are not saved in the gadget but in the application server. It could worked based on combination between BREW application embedded in the gadget and CDMA 1x platformMore benefits available in the gadgets are;1. QurancellIt is consist of complete Holly Quran that can be accessed through this gadget. Subscribers need to submit the registration to this application if they want to access Holy Quran. Simple registration are available in this gadget by clicking Islamic bottom in the rigt below side the gadget, will automatically send a registration form. And if subscribers want to stop this application, they only need send un-registration form. Once they have registered, they can access Holy Quran with no limit accessing since it was charged only once during registration2. AzanCellThis is reminding application once praying time is coming. It is same with QuranCell application; subscribers need to submit registration to this application to receive this reminder. Each praying time is arrive, the reminder will come in azan sound3. EsiaSHopDifferent with both previous applications, ESIASHOP does not need to submit anything. Once subscribers want to buy Islamic things, they only need to push download bottom. By searching in the shop, subscribers only need to choose anything they want to. There is a price per each contain. If subscribers agree with this price, they can push download bottom to receive this contain. Contains could be Islamic wall paper, Islamic ring tone etc