Friday, May 29, 2009

Value add services: downloading content service

It is necessary to explore what customers need before mobile telecommunication operators deploy a product and launch it to the market. The survey to identify customers need is mandatory for them to have a guarantee that a product they will launch it is the product they are waiting for. The actions after launched a product is still necessary as well to maintain the customers. Since the telecommunication industry is always update, pre and post action is always needed.

The attractive product that has become a habit for customer to keep always updating lately is download content service. This is a service where interactive communications are occurring between customers as buyer or permanent customers and telecommunication operators as the content providers. Providers offer various contents with specific price for each content or customers need to submit a registration to get some contents periodically depend on both customers and providers agreement. The contents could be ring tone, wall paper, true tone, games and streaming video

How to get the contents?
In Indonesia, downloading contents services has been introduced first time by GSM operator with their GPRS services. Telecommunication mobile operators used to have third party to provide all those contents; in other words, operators did not create by their selves the contents.
There are many mechanism can be done buy customers to receive contents provide by providers. Previously and right now still happening is customers should subscribe via SMS to subscript a routine content that will be delivered after getting confirmation from provider to specific short code number. Based on this subscription, the next step, customers must connect to the GPRS network to download desired contents.

This mechanism has some weaknesses:

1. Customers handsets should have java application, WAP protocol (high end handset)

2. In some case customers failed to download a contents due to some reason meanwhile charging is occurring

3. Due to manually configuration in the customers’ handsets, mostly they are getting a problem during this process

4. Many cases, the transparency flowchart of the program is not clear enough and understood well by customers

Due to some weaknesses above, many programs of this mechanism are short term customers. Customers subscripted for a reason then they will un-subscript once they receive what they want. And the result, providers have to update their program and promote it every time. More cost are needed to maintain this kind of customers

To overcome those weaknesses, another mechanism has been created to offer same services but more simple and low cost for both provider and customers but the quality of services is acceptable. The new mechanism is by optimizing BREW application that embedded to the handsets – obviously these are low end handsets that can be reached by low and middle class of customers.

In these mechanisms:

1. Customers no need to do some activities as done by first mechanism, e.g. configure the handsets, registering the application program via SMS, etc

2. They have one stop services through the handsets due to all the things to get a content are available there, the only thing that should be done by customers I pushing a bottom and redirect it to their request

3. Undesired failure before downloading content due to unclear program can be eliminated in the first time.

By BREW application, handset capable to identify download contents services as Java application in the high end handsets. Unfortunately, BREW is proprietary of QUALCOM then this will work to only CDMA platform. This mechanism is definitely helping provider and customers due to some simplicity offered, and the important thing is low end handset but high capability available inside the handsets is accepted by low and middle customers

Download contents in the CDMA 1xRtt

Generally there two kinds of application services can be offered by mobile telecommunication based on BREW application embedded inside the handsets, they are:

1. Subscription program and

2. Downloading contents (ring tone, wall paper, games)

In the first one, customers need to submit a registration to get information, horoscope, advices, etc. It is depending on customers submitted in the request form. After agreement from provider, customer will receive all above program

The second one is providing contents with certainty price for content was offered. Customer can chose and decide which content they need with the clear process and transparency program. Both applications are happening right now in the Indonesian mobile telecommunication business. Both are being offering by PT Bakrie Telecom as a CDMA fixed wireless license operator. The products they are offered in this packet have a significant response from customers


They are new products offered by PT Bakrie telecom. These are bundling handsets supported BREW application to provide subscription program and download content ESIA HIDAYAH pointed to Moslem customers, ESIA KASIH for Christian and ESIA FU for Chinese customers
Inside all of handsets above are available subscription program service that related to the each customers intended. In the ESIA HIDAYAH is available Quran reading and Azan time, ESIA KASIH, holy bible and ESIA FU, Chinese information and their faith.
And inside all of handsets above are available download contents services for any customers


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