“Battle of tariff” is still happening in Indonesian telecommunication business right now. One telecommunication operators will decide to make cheaper tariff suddenly once their competitor change the tariff cheaper. And the same strategic will be followed by all competitors. This competition is including in the international tariff call service. A telecommunication operator which has fully international network infrastructure will play a key role during giving an International Call Service. Such a telecommunication operator has a additional benefit since they did not need to lease an international link connection as a condition to guarantee the quality of link. Usually telecommunication operators will need to lease international link connection to guarantee the quality of services otherwise they need to route the VOIP international traffic through internet link. It is acceptable as long as still having the good quality of voice.
Although telecommunication operator have no international link connection in their current network but they still have a change to offer attractive International Call Service tariff to their customers. How this is happening? It can be done by providing multi International VOIP partners. This strategic definitely for them which route the International Call Service through internet link to reduce cost once we used dedicated international link connection. By having multi partners, telecommunication operators will able to charge variety of tariff depending on destination country
For example, a telecommunication operator has two international VOIP partners. Then a telecommunication will split the international call service traffic based on destination countries. An A partner responsible to carry out the traffic to Taiwan, Singapore, China, Japan, India, USA, Kuwait, South Africa and Korea meanwhile a B partner responsible to all countries except those countries in A partner. The splitting of the tariff and assigning which partner will carry out the traffic is based on the price for each destination countries at both partners. In this sample, A partner is having cheaper tariff than B partner.
The next step is assigning which countries should be handled by both partners. Assigning the countries is based on the top ten destination countries used to be called by the customers. Once we have the top ten destination countries the next step is splitting the traffic by configuring a policy in the VOIP system for both partners.
For example
1. A partner will be reached once there is a coming call with prefix 3456# and B partner and
2. B partner will be reached once there is a coming call with prefix 7890#
By both policy, any call coming which match with both policy, the traffic will be forwarded to proper destination country through assigned partners
What about customers end? Do they need to have different method to reach destination countries to have cheap tariff? The answer is nothing they need to do to have cheap tariff. They will call as usually they called. The splitting traffic and assigning destination countries all done by VOIP system
In this strategic, telecommunication have to smart to choose which partner have cheap tariff call and acceptability in the quality of voice. The quality of voice is very important and the key point to offer cheap tariff during offering International Call service. it is reasonable since usually telecommunication operators are using internet link connection to route the voice traffic. To ensure the quality of voice, telecommunication operators have to ensure the quality of link from the source address (telecommunication operators itself) until gateway’s partners and the destination address
By having multi International VOIP partners, telecommunication operators will have flexibility to offer cheap VOIP International Call service. In other words, telecommunication operators are possible to have more than two International VOIP partners. More International VOIP partners, more attractive tariff can be offered by telecommunication operators to their VOIP International Call service
Friday, July 3, 2009
Giving Attractive tariff to VOIP International Call services
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