Tuesday, July 21, 2009

wireless internet service

I am sure there many people is disappoint with the wireless internet access (CDMA 1x, 3G, EVDO) provided by many telecommunication operators. At the first time, they can surf very fast but few months later it will very slow
Many factors influence the speed of wireless internet access. It could be hardware modem issue, BTS occupancy, distance from BTS to BSC, bandwidth to internet etc. But as a customer we do not want to know about it all. We just need the service as telecommunication promise in the promotion after we paid
Usually, telecommunication operators are getting occupancy issue either BTS or internet bandwidth but mostly it is because Radio Frequency (RF) capacity. Telecommunication operators promote to have more and more customers but in many cases, the network is saturated. What happening in this case is, customer session is still there but has poor quality since many request from customers but limit bandwidth capacity. So then the session is still going on but the speed is very slow or no response from the website
I used to use Wimode modem from Bakrie telecom to access to internet and as any other telecommunication operators, sometime the speed is good but during the peak hour sometimes getting slow. Sometimes when I read a page from websites for a few minutes suddenly I can browse to the next page or I can not to access to another website. Then I have to wait for few minutes to be able to access to the next page or new website. What happen once we read the page from the website we love is our connection was terminated by the network due to our session is in dormant mode. Dormant mode is idle session once no traffic is downloaded from us. What happen in the next once we need to browse to new website or the next page is, we have to make new session again. We have to request a channel from BTS and so on
To keep the session we already made from our modem, BTS until bandwidth internet once we read a page we love for a few minute, I used to do ping session to particular website or address. This is to ensure that we always occupy a channel. Another thing, by pinging to particular website or address we will notice how fast the connection we have and prepare once the connection will be dropped
To do pinging session you can follow the steps below;
1. Click start
2. Click run
3. Click cmd then windows prompt will appear
4. type a website you want to test or address for example www.yahoo.com -t
You can identify your connection by seeing the response that appears there. The best response time is less than 1 ms (direct connection to the system or located in the same network). For CDMA 1x system, response time around 500 ms to 1500 ms is still acceptable. We can say the connection is good. But for 3G system it should be less than that. It is depending on website you want to test. And if the response time is more than that range, please prepare as in few second the session will be no response. The page you are seeing will lank.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jakarta - Concerned with the explosion of the Lingkar Mega Kuningan, making a number of company off today. However, it does not mean the employee can relax holiday, they are asked to keep working in remote alias from home.

One of the companies that implement such policies is a Hewlett-Packard (HP) India. HP own headquarters location in Menara Danamon, that very close distance to the location of the bomb at Ritz Carlton Hotel and JW Marriot.

Adrian Lesmono as Market Development Manager HP India said, as a result of the explosion is that many HP employees can not go to the area office. For access to the area have closed the obligation.

"Access road to our office is closed, and I get Call to guard in the vicinity of the location so that employees dihimbau to remote-work," he explained to detikINET, Friday (17/7/2009).

Consequently, the appeal hearing, a number of employees who overdo came and detained in the street directly behind the right to come back in the house. But still, are required to remain to continue the work of the distance.

Meanwhile, Adrian advanced, for the employees of HP Indonesia that is stuck in the office or the area around the explosion so far have not been reported to be a victim. "Just a few meetings that have been promised had to be scheduled again," (detiknet.com)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How do you charge your customers?

The more variety of products was offered, the more benefits will get. Based on this statement, many services are available right now in the Indonesia mobile telecommunication market. It has been more than two years since some new mobile telecommunications with CDMA or 3G platforms were offering many services to get significant total number of customers. They compete to get a credit from customers and their product will become customer’s choice. Many kind of strategic and product was created in order to get more benefit. One bye one and day by day, new product and strategic are coming and going, they are selected by market. In the beginning, low cost is a main consideration for customers to choose the product for their needs. But right now the quality is first priority since almost all operators; about 10 GSM and CDMA operators are offering the same, low cost to make a call to the same operators.
Varieties of the charging mechanism are happening in the many services including download content that can be change anytime depend on the market request or the same services offered by competitors
There many kinds of charging mechanism in the download contents services. Based on the type of contents they can be divided into:

1.Periodic charging per certain duration time ( daily, weekly, monthly and so on)
In this charging, customer have to pay of a mount of money after the application to be a receiver a content has been approved by provider (operator). Once it is approved they will charged a one then receiving content for few days. After those days are passed, operator will offer the same content for next few days and then recharged the same price. Customers can stop be a receiver of content by submit a un-registration form to cancel to receiving more same content. If customers forgot to submit this request at the time when first period finished then it is supposed customers agree to extend a application then customer will be charged and will receive the same content for one next period

2.Based on price per content
In this charging mechanism, customers do not need to submit an application to receive content. A charging will be given once they try to download a content they want. A price is given based on a type of content, different type and size have different price. It is possible to have different price to each contents. Customers are permitted to look at to the contents available before they decide to buy them. Once they interested to buy one or more contents, the charging are occurring when customers push the download bottom. Contents are received by downloading process.

Here is the sample of both charging mechanism in the CDMA network that have been introduced to the market:

By submit to all above services provided by those bundling handsets, customers will receive content periodically for a certain period time (example; one payment for a week). Submission can done by push a menu that available in the handset and follow the next step. It is a simple steps and procedure to register this content service. Once customers decide to stop to receive this content, customers just need to submit un-register form that available in the menu as well. Periodic content can be accessed by customers by push a content menu that is available in the handsets once registration form is succeeded. Customers can browse the content anytime and as much they want during this submission period deducted each time the customers submit a subscription form to receive this content
Charging will happen once the submission accepted by provider and customers have enough balance

It is different with the previous services, ESIA SHOP provide a download content that can be accessed through the same handsets. Both ESIA SHOP and periodic content service are available in the same handset and the menus to do both are already available inside the handset. A one stop service has been prepared inside these handsets. By pushing a download menu, customers can see much kind of contents offered by provider and can by one or more those by push download bottom in the each content. Price and simple description are given in the each content before customers decide to buy it. Once customers push this bottom, charging are happening and downloading process as well. If customers have low balance, they will receive this notification and download process will fail. And if balance is enough for one content, download process will continue until the content receive by customers in their handsets.

Both charging mechanisms are used to use by content provider or operators to charge the customers during receiving their download content services. Both mechanisms has been applied by PT Bakrie Telecom in many their value added services products based on BREW application they have. Their products are ESIA HIDAYAH, ESIA KASIH, ESIA FU, ESIA SHOP.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Giving Attractive tariff to VOIP International Call services

“Battle of tariff” is still happening in Indonesian telecommunication business right now. One telecommunication operators will decide to make cheaper tariff suddenly once their competitor change the tariff cheaper. And the same strategic will be followed by all competitors. This competition is including in the international tariff call service. A telecommunication operator which has fully international network infrastructure will play a key role during giving an International Call Service. Such a telecommunication operator has a additional benefit since they did not need to lease an international link connection as a condition to guarantee the quality of link. Usually telecommunication operators will need to lease international link connection to guarantee the quality of services otherwise they need to route the VOIP international traffic through internet link. It is acceptable as long as still having the good quality of voice.
Although telecommunication operator have no international link connection in their current network but they still have a change to offer attractive International Call Service tariff to their customers. How this is happening? It can be done by providing multi International VOIP partners. This strategic definitely for them which route the International Call Service through internet link to reduce cost once we used dedicated international link connection. By having multi partners, telecommunication operators will able to charge variety of tariff depending on destination country
For example, a telecommunication operator has two international VOIP partners. Then a telecommunication will split the international call service traffic based on destination countries. An A partner responsible to carry out the traffic to Taiwan, Singapore, China, Japan, India, USA, Kuwait, South Africa and Korea meanwhile a B partner responsible to all countries except those countries in A partner. The splitting of the tariff and assigning which partner will carry out the traffic is based on the price for each destination countries at both partners. In this sample, A partner is having cheaper tariff than B partner.
The next step is assigning which countries should be handled by both partners. Assigning the countries is based on the top ten destination countries used to be called by the customers. Once we have the top ten destination countries the next step is splitting the traffic by configuring a policy in the VOIP system for both partners.
For example
1. A partner will be reached once there is a coming call with prefix 3456# and B partner and
2. B partner will be reached once there is a coming call with prefix 7890#
By both policy, any call coming which match with both policy, the traffic will be forwarded to proper destination country through assigned partners
What about customers end? Do they need to have different method to reach destination countries to have cheap tariff? The answer is nothing they need to do to have cheap tariff. They will call as usually they called. The splitting traffic and assigning destination countries all done by VOIP system
In this strategic, telecommunication have to smart to choose which partner have cheap tariff call and acceptability in the quality of voice. The quality of voice is very important and the key point to offer cheap tariff during offering International Call service. it is reasonable since usually telecommunication operators are using internet link connection to route the voice traffic. To ensure the quality of voice, telecommunication operators have to ensure the quality of link from the source address (telecommunication operators itself) until gateway’s partners and the destination address
By having multi International VOIP partners, telecommunication operators will have flexibility to offer cheap VOIP International Call service. In other words, telecommunication operators are possible to have more than two International VOIP partners. More International VOIP partners, more attractive tariff can be offered by telecommunication operators to their VOIP International Call service